
kingdom | stories

as the sun sets on our time here in cape town, i a reminded of many stories.  in fact, i think the telling of stories has played a significant part in our time here.

i have become increasingly aware of the place stories have in the kingdom of God. they are important to the King...and he shows us this through his own God story.  he...in fact...has written and continues to write an incredible story of


and those who accept his invitation are suddenly swept into the telling of this gripping tale. and as lost sheep are found and prodigals return home...not only do they become part of the larger God-story...

but they also bring with them a smaller...but still very important story of their own.

i came to africa with my story...my own personal story of 


and through my time here...i have told that story.  and others have told their stories to me.
some are very sad stories...ones that have very little hope...they are missing something. other stories are very different from mine and yet...at the heart...they have the same plot change...the same very important plot change.  and what comes from telling this kind of story is powerful. 

jesus is in these stories...his presence is written all through the words. 

as we have been meeting people...making disciples...planting simple house churches...

we have encouraged those who have been changed...to tell their stories...not to hold back. 
and what has come from this is an array of responses.  

but one thing is for certain...when we tell our stories of


one response is guaranteed.

Christ is glorified...he is worshipped.  

and that is enough.

becuase he is the ultimate story-teller and and so he will ultimately do the rest.  

and so i will continue to tell my story...even after leaving this beautiful country...and i will tell the stories of those i have met. i will stand for them...i will speak for them where they cannot speak. i will tell of their stories of


and i will tell of how they have changed.  i will tell of Jesus in their lives. i will tell of his kingdom breaking forth.

and He will do the rest.

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